RFM Productions is a minority-led nonprofit organization incorporated in Los Angeles as a 501(3)(c) in 2022. It is exclusively dedicated to providing high-impact media services  and diplomacy for underprivileged communities by focusing on improving bilateral partnerships, supporting anti-racist and anti-colonist organizations, improving climate education, developing campaigns, and increasing the participation of marginalized groups disproportionately impacted by climate change in the workforce. Through the collaborative process with its value-based impact media production services, RFM Productions highlights the issues of man-made environmental destruction, workforce discrimination, natural disasters, environmental pollution, ethnic genocides, displacement of people, misinformation and increased social issues because of natural disruption that mainly occurs due to human activities.

A RFM Produções se esforça em agir em prol da voz daquelas comunidades sub-representadas que requerem uma plataforma para espalhar suas histórias e parar a desinformação. A RFM Produções age como um canal mostrando os desafios que as comunidades desfavorecidas e sub-representadas devem passar por conta das ineficazes e unilaterais políticas governamentais.


Our mission is to act as advocates of marginalized communities disproportionately impacted by climate change and provide an exclusive platform for improving bi-lateral relationships and cross-cultural exchanges. With transparency and integrity we share the challenges of underrepresented communities with stakeholders to address systematic social and economic disparities. Our mission is to create awareness and effective collaborations among communities to encourage a holistic and realistic approach to address rapid changing climate issues and socio-economic challenges.

raise awareness CAMPAIGN SERIES

A RFM Produções acredita que o visual de alta qualidade apresentado sobre o estilo de vida e os desafios das comunidades marginalizadas pode apresentar um melhor cenário dos efeitos colaterais que desastres naturais, poluição ambiental e atividades ilegais humanas criam para estas comunidades. O documentário inclui 9 países que dividem a floresta tropical. Estes países são Bolívia, Equador, Guiana, Suriname, Guiana Francesa, Colômbia, Brasil e Venezuela, de forma que o Peru se encontra no episódio piloto.

RFM Productions believes that a high-quality visual presentation of the lifestyle and challenges of marginalized communities can present a better picture of the side effects that natural disasters, environmental pollution, and illegal human activities create for these communities. The documentary includes 9 countries that share the rainforest. These countries are Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Colombia, Brazil, and Venezuela whereas Peru is the pilot. 


Advocate for the inclusion of Latin communities disproportionately impacted by climate change in policymaking and the workforce 

Deliver an uncensored, unbiased and locally-led  stories of underprivileged communities to the progressive audience.

Equip stakeholders with the knowledge and tools needed to include diverse Latin ethnicities in the workplace 

Highlight the side effects of Climate Change and natural disasters on BIPOC communities.

Enhance cross-cultural and educational exchanges to foster a stronger collaboration with Latin communities of diverse ethnicities 

Provide transparent,  and exclusive engagement with underrepresented communities.

Criar conhecimento entre as comunidades sobre atividades de destruição ambiental.

Capturar a cultura, estilo de vida e os desafios dos povos tradicionais. BIPOC inhabitants


Os nove países - casa da Amazônia - Peru, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Equador, Venezuela, Guiana, Suriname e Guiana Francesa estão sendo ameaçados por exploração comercial de madeira e mineração ilegal por décadas. As pessoas talvez não saibam ou decidam ignorar a história, mas estes países juram proteger a Amazônia há décadas e ainda prometeram reflorestar até 2030, mas o desmatamento prevalece. 

Contudo, muitos povos indígenas sempre entenderam a necessidade de respeito com o meio ambiente sem a presença dos povos não-nativos ou estrangeiros, para o devido cuidado com a humanidade e a saúde. A Amazônia tem mais de 400 povos, cada um com sua própria língua, cultura e território. Nós acreditamos que o estigma contra povos indígenas e população negra existe por conta das narrativas errôneas por grupos opressores que também devem ser usados para parar o desmatamento, e não de outra forma.

O Projeto Povos Tradicionais Amazônicos da RFM se aplica a este entendimento fundamental e busca se dirigir às falhas históricas, buscando construir uma verdadeira e sustentável solidariedade para os nativos.

Esta abordagem é a única forma promissora, se os povos indígenas e comunidades locais mantiverem sendo sobrecarregados, obtiverem promessas demasiadas e consultados no processo de regulação ambiental pelos líderes que não entendem e que só querem cumprir tarefas, nós não vamos encontrar uma solução para a crise climática. Os povos tradicionais deveriam ter o poder, serem compensados, admirados, celebrados e seus direitos e estilos de vidas devem ser respeitados. Nossa abordagem vai fazer isso ser possível


Beleza Natural Enfrenta Massacre: Uma Emergência Climática
Decreto N° 003-2022


Marco Zero na Luta para Salvar a Amazônia


Você pode não saber que o Brasil vêm prometendo proteger a Amazônia por décadas, mas o desmatamento prevalece


Defensores Ambientais em Risco


Em qualquer lugar que tenha terra há conflito


Em qualquer lugar que haja fome, há perigo: junte-se ao movimento por sobrevivência


Um passado com injustiça climática está sempre presente


Estas águas são profundas


O Invasor Estrangeiro



Advocate for the inclusion of Latin communities disproportionately impacted by climate change in policymaking and workforce 


Equip stakeholders with the knowledge and tools needed to include diverse Latin ethnicities in the workplace 


Support BILM (Black Indigenous Liberation Movements) and BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) groups in minimizing the disproportionate challenges they face from climate change


Enhance cross-cultural and educational exchanges to foster a stronger collaboration with Latin communities of diverse ethnicities 


Provide transparent,  and exclusive engagement with underrepresented communities


Understand the challenges that natural disasters and environmental pollution create for marginalized communities


Crie oportunidades para que jovens adultos participem nesta nobre causa


Proteja pelo menos 9 áreas de conservação ambiental para não o ponto de ruptura afrodescendentes


Junte-se à um movimento de 9 diferentes regiões para remover 10% de toneladas de CO²


Empower 400 native traditional tribes


Support the anti-racist and anti-colonist grassroots organizations 


The nine countries – home to the Latin Amazon – PERU, BOLÍVIA, BRASIL, COLÔMBIA, EQUADOR, VENEZUELA, GUIANA, SURINAME e GUIANA FRANCESA have been threatened by commercial logging, mining and illegal exploitation for decades. People may not know or choose to ignore its history but these countries have been vowing to safeguard the Amazon for decades even pledging to reverse forestation by 2030 but deforestation prevails. 

However, many tribes have always understood the need to respect their environment without non-native or foreign people present, for humanity’s wellbeing and healing. The Amazon has over 400 tribes each with its own language, culture, and territory. We believe the stigma towards Black Indigenous People of Color exists because of misleading narratives by oppressive groups that must also be reversed to reverse deforestation, not the other way around.

RFM’s BIPOC Amazon Project expands on this fundamental understanding and seeks to directly address the historical gaps in building true and sustainable solidarity for natives in the following way:

Mobilizing the regional communities who share a goal of racial empowerment by reversing the historical ways BIPOC have been viewed and treated in their own native lands. Our mobilization focuses on the importance of respecting the natives, being pro-indigenous culture and ceasing foreign supremacy.  

These pillars are internalized and show up in mutually reinforcing, distinct, and specific ways within Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and must be reversed as they impede efforts to protect the environment and collaborate across differences without destruction, violence, corruption, and inequality.

Our fieldwork disrupts the call for “global accord” by highlighting explicit dynamics of the imbalance of power across intersectional sectors and identities by focusing on the root causes of environmental degradation and the racial hierarchical power struggles that is underpinned by native invisibility, anti-indigenous activities, foreign supremacy, and the historical disadvantages of BIPOC communities who are living on the margins of oppressive regimes.

We seek to educate by intentionally reframing the Indigenous/Foreign binary to cultivate a deeper analysis of the environmental crisis among a wider group of BIPOC and native communties to call oppressive regimes into racial climate justice work; and

we entertain the young adult instead of bringing their generation to despair by offering a vision of environmental solidarity rooted in a reimagined relationship between BIPOC to their land, heads of states and policies that are pro-indigenous and anti-white supremacist society.

This approach is the only promising way forward, as long as Black Indigenous People of Color and local communities are not only fully consulted in the process by leaders who are checking a box we will not solve the climate crisis.



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