RFM Productions, a 501(3)(c) organization plans to start developing a nine-part series of a documentary (Working Titled: Fail to Protect) about the Amazon rainforest and the most recent 5 decades of complicated environmental crimes and failed regulations. Starting in Peru, the documentary will show the audience how the local authorities are turning a blind eye to the conflicts preventing Black Indigneous People of Color (BIPOC) communities from safeguarding their heritage and their environment climate. A large number of Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) and native communities have been on the spotlight of the international community as these indigenous communities fight not to protect their customs or take a job in the rubber, mineral extraction, and/or hydroelectric projects. This nine-part storyline will be undertaken by climate scientist, Brazilian native, Rafaela Moura, to deepen the public’s understanding of the significant humanitarian questions still lingering today that need to be addressed in order to solve the environmental crisis. All episodes involve a multi-disciplinary group of actors, reporters, scientists, BIPOC leaders, natives, humanities scholars and many others that will shed light on this complicated history. RFM Productions is looking for a crew that includes a Producer/Director, DP, Sound, Drone Operator to help manage this entire week-long production March. We’re looking for locals who are familiar with Lima, Cusco, Madre de Dios, Huaraz and can help with fixing appointments, establishing logistics, interviewing, scripting, and navigating the production process for RFM. RFM Productions has a full treatment available for review once conversations begin. RFM Productions has the main character/host and will provide a policy and environmental background rather than an acting background, so RFM Productions is looking for the ideal crew that is experienced with providing guidance during the on-camera experience.


7 dias de gravação
Equipe: Produtor/Diretor, DP, som, gravador e drone
Na sua proposta, por favor inclua um possível orçamento - um sem a pós-produção e um COM a pós-produção de todos os 45-60min de episódio do documentário


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